Today, I was 67.6kg.
At 166cm tall, that gives me a BMI of 24.53.
In numbers, it doesn't sound all that bad. However, I carry a lot of body fat, especially the abdominal kind which is dangerous for health ( I have an extreme case of muffin top). And although I can fit ok into some of my size 12 jeans, most of my clothes are getting really tight as I have stacked about 5 kilos in the past couple of months. I don't want to go out and buy bigger clothes.
I have not been near this weight since I was about 30 weeks pregnant, 6 years ago. What on earth has happened to me?
The Australian Institute for Health and Welfare states that a BMI of 25 or over is classed as overweight. My numbers are near that, and it is WRONG!
Ok, so this is a little depressing, but the facts are now laid out. No time to dwell. Onwards and upwards from here! Time to reach for that sky..
L. x